If you run your KRX hard with big tires there's a good chance your steering rack mount will crack. We make this gusset from 1/8" 4130 chromoly, it welds on to the chassis over the factory mount to prevent cracking and breaking of the steering rack mount.
If you've already broken your steering rack mount check out our repair/gusset
Welding is required to install this part.
To install
1) Remove front differential from chassis
2) Remove steering rack
3) Hold gusset plate up to chassis and mark around the edge of the gusset, you'll need to clean the paint off the chassis where you'll weld the gusset on around the entire perimeter.
4) Make sure bolt holes are lined up with holes in chassis and weld gusset to the frame. Once cool paint the chassis and gusset.
5) Reinstall steering rack. The factory bolts are long enough to accommodate the extra thickness with the gusset installed.
6) Reinstall front differential